

An Ever-Advancing Civilization

Articles and Resources

A selection of readings, essays, and resource materials on the subject of the advancement of civilization.


The Prosperity of Humankind

This statement on the concept of global prosperity in the context of the Bahá’í teachings was commissioned by the Universal House of Justice.

Who is Writing the Future?

Published to mark the end of the 20th century, this statement addresses the advancement of a global civilization and that we are witnessing the beginning of the history of a human race conscious of its own oneness.

Responses to Who is Writing the Future?

After the release of the statement ‘Who is Writing the Future?’ the Brazilian Bahá’í published 25 essays in Portuguese, in response to the statement and the vision of Bahá’u’lláh. Contributed by philosophers, scientists, theologians,journalists, and politicians in response to the statement and the vision of Bahá’u’lláh.


Religion and World Order

In this essay, first published in The Bahá’í World Volume VI, 1934-1936, Horace Holley writes that, without a firm and enduring basis in moral unity, the institutions of society cannot alone produce peace but will remain as centers of disunityand strife.

The Epic of Humanity

George Townshend describes in this essay how, from the beginning of history to the present day and beyond to the distant future, a master-scheme for humanity’s advancement is being disclosed.

Knowledge and Civilization

In this essay, first published in The Bahá’í World 1997-1998, Dr. Farzam Arbab writes that all of humanity must be able to participate in the task of generating and applying knowledge to attain spiritual and material prosperity.

Science and the Bahá’í Faith

In this article, Dr. William S. Hatcher considers several possible reasons for the perception that science and religion must exist in opposition.

Further reading

Bibliography of Recommended Reading

A list of further reading on this subject is available here.